Just Because They Were First Doesn’t Mean It’s Truth

Proverbs 18:17 The one who first states a case seems right,until the other comes and cross-examines.

Now, anyone who possesses wisdom understands that to each story there are three sides: There side, the other person’s side, and finally-there is the truth. In order to find the truth one must carefully examine both accounts, and for a solid truth to it all, one must consult GOD for revelation.

It is not a smart move to embrace and end a case with one side of a story. It is only a simpleton who accepts lopsided scales of law.

If you ever find yourself in a place where your side of a story isn’t accepted, in order that the scales are balanced, seek GOD’S face for help in revealing the truth and nothing but the truth. After that, have nothing to do with those involved, for they will attack again. Most importantly, forgive them as you yourself want to be. Forgiveness does not entail friendship, it is a Christian act put in place to free oneself from the cancer of hate on a another.

If there are two, listen to two, evaluate the two, and allow GOD to reveal the truth. That is true wisdom in such a case.

-Shavonne T. Harris

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